A couple months ago a friend on the chameleon forums showed photos of his gorgeous male
Bradypodion tranvaalense chameleon, or the Transvaal dwarf chameleon (although their common name changes depending on the region from where they came). He has a gorgeous black and white striped face, and deep yellow-orange markings down his sides. Everything about him was beautiful and different to me. Unbeknownst to me, this is a genus that is rare in the United States, and only a handful of individuals exist here. Fast forward a few weeks and about 10 of us signed up to have 23 chameleons from three different species of the genus
Bradypodion imported from a breeder in Germany.
I teamed up with a friend of mine in Montana to do a breeding project together. I got one male while she got one male and two females. One of her females is on loan to me for now, while we determine which strategy will work best when breeding. At first I was going to ship my male to her when they were all old enough, so the presence of another male will stimulate breeding, and then he and one female would come back to me so that I could care for half the offspring, We then decided that it may be more prudent to have one pair with me in Florida and another with her in Montana, in case one of our climates turns out to be less than optimal. That way one pair may still go on to breed.
So, without much ado, here are my tiny little two.
I will update this thread as the week goes on with better photos of them, I didn't want to bother them too much today.
The female peeking out of the shipping bag. |
The female out of the bag, going off to explore the cage. |
The little male, in full shed coming out of the bag. You can see the female in the background. |
OMG I did not even think about a cattleya (orchid) in this cage! I personally own over a 1,000 orchids and didn't even think about adding one! I know I am writing you a lot today but I am so excited....Im actually supposed to be in my orchid arbor repotting instead of reading! ;) I have tillandsias and one tillandsia chain that I thought he would enjoy climbing but didnt even think about an orchid. Oh thank you!!! And yes I have many that I have not treated with chemicals!