Here is a list of websites and online resources I highly recommend checking out for more information on chameleons. No one sponsors me to post these links here, so rest assured that I recommend them purely because I think they are extremely valuable.

O U R   O F F I C I A L   F A C E B O O K   G R O U P

Much Ado About Chameleons Group
I have recently launched a group on Facebook for readers to join up and not only ask questions where I will be moderating and assisting, but help each other become better, more capable keepers. I strongly encourage readers to join this group, as we have many highly-capable and qualified members ready to help with current and accurate information. 

C H A M E L E O N   F O R U M S

The chameleon forums is a great website, and genuinely a very helpful forum. I am on the moderating staff here and am always available to answer questions via the forum. But this is a good place to post questions, read some caresheets, and share photos.

Within the chameleon forums I also highly recommend checking out this comprehensive caresheet on chameleons in general and the subsequent subcategories. They were written as a collaboration between a veterinarian and several keepers with years, if not decades, of experience raising and breeding chameleons. (frequently asked questions)

M E L L E R I   D I S C O V E R Y

For anyone interested in learning more about Meller's chameleons, this is an excellent website. I highly recommend it. This is a great species, but they can be sensitive - so being prepared will make the difference.

ChamEO is a true non-profit chameleon rescue that has been doing a lot of tremendous good for years. They take in and rehome chameleons in need all the time, and are capable of providing them medical care if need be. There are a lot of rescues that take donations but are not honest non-profit organizations, but ChamEO is, so if you are looking for a place to make donations for the good of chameleons - they are your people!

F A U N A   C L A S S I F I E D S   &   T H E   B O I
This forum is excellent for two things - buying and selling animals and reviews. The interesting thing about this forum is that it has the BOI - The Board of Inquiry. For over a decade people have been giving reviews about companies and breeders, both negative and positive, and this is an amazing resource for anyone who wants to be careful buying or selling online. A quick search on this forum and you'll discover anything and everything about a person. And the good thing is that for negative reviews proof is required, so instead of basing your opinion on hearsay you will see copies of emails and photos that lend weight to a case.

I will add more as I come across them. 

1 comment

  1. Hi there,

    Your site is excellent, and I'm glad to see you've got some O'Shaugnessy chams now. I wanted to let you know I've got a website dedicated to chameleons at:

    Any cross-linking would be greatly appreciated. I'd be more than happy to link back to you.


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